
Charley Boorman Log- Day 10

June 19, 2012

In which Charley visits the amazing eRanger’s of South Africa. IMG_0987

After a scenic ride from East London out to Port St. Johns with the eRanger guys, we head over to the Lukulu Heath Outpost to meet the girls who are learning to ride the bikes and will eventually make such a difference to their communities.

I had the chance to ride one of the machines as we did the rounds and visited some of the people who’ll benefit from the project. I was so impressed with the girls, who can’t have been out their early twenties and from such difficult backgrounds, yet knew all the ailments of the people we visited and were so determined to better themselves and the lives of those who live around them.

Tonight, we’re staying in the Sea Castle Guesthouse in Port. St John. This part of the Transkei reminds me so much of the Carribean. With it’s wide beaches and milkwood-lined dirt roads. It’s very beautiful here and it’s a popular spot for travellers to visit, but still relatively undeveloped thanks to the history of the area.

Another great pull of the area is something we’ll be trying for ourselves tomorrow…