
Charley Boorman Log- Day 4

June 12, 2012

In which Charley cage dives with the Great White!

On day four we finally look to be in for a few day’s calm weather so we give the bikes their first break in with a ride to Klienbaai for a spot of shark cage diving. The area around nearby Danger Bay is a regular hunting ground for Great Whites and we’ll be getting in the water with them.

After three day’s of rough weather, this is the first time in a while that the cage diving boats have been to sea and we’re rewarded with a lot of shark activity.
I was taken aback by just moving it is to see these incredible creatures up close. We had some big guys brush the cage and I know it’s a memory I’ll cherish for a long time to come.

We spend the night at the Grootbos Private Nature Reserve, a breathtakingly beautiful place that overlooks the white sand dunes of Walker Bay. As the sun sets over the hills, we enjoy an excellent meal with the owner, who has a good idea for an unexpected adventure in the morning…

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